Adriatic Coast
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Adriatic Coast
For a taste of Albania without actually crossing the border, head down to buzzy, beautiful Ulcinj (Улцињ). The population is 61% Albanian (68% Muslim), and in summertime it swells with Kosovar holidaymakers for the simple reason that it’s a lot nicer than the Albanian seaside towns. The elegant minarets of numerous mosques give Ulcinj (Ulqin in Albanian) a distinctly Eastern feel, as does the lively music echoing out of the kebab stands around Mala Plaža (Small Beach). Ulcinj’s ramshackle Old Town looms above the heaving beach and is a fantastic spot for people-watching without being surrounded by people.
Experience the real
  On the cliff above Mala Plaža, this imposing monument is a lovely piece of socialist art that’s now neglected and covered in graffiti. Its two V-shaped white segments resemble a pair of fighter planes that have crash-landed on their noses. Closer inspection reveals them as stylised wings sprouting from the...
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