Akbar’s Mausoleum
Akbar’s Mausoleum
Jul 2, 2024

  This outstanding sandstone and marble tomb commemorates the greatest of the Mughal emperors. The huge courtyard is entered through a stunning gateway decorated with three-storey minarets at each corner and built of red sandstone strikingly inlaid with white-, yellow- and blue-marble geometric and floral patterns. The interior vestibule of the tomb is stunningly decorated with painted alabaster, creating a contrast to the plain inner tomb. The unusual upper pavillions are closed. Look for deer in the surrounding gardens.

  The mausoleum is at Sikandra, 10km northwest of Agra Fort. Catch a bus (₹25, 45 minutes) headed to Mathura from Bijli Ghar bus stand; they go past the mausoleum. Or else take an autorickshaw (₹350 return) or an Ola taxi.

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