Emerson Cultural Center
Bozeman & Gallatin Valley
Known around town as the Emerson, this nonprofit art collective occupying an old school is the place to plug into Bozeman’s culture scene. Retail galleries, exhibits and studios line the hallway, while an outstanding cafe occupies the southeastern corner near the art vending machine. ...
American Computer & Robotics Museum
Bozeman & Gallatin Valley
If you have even one bit of computer geek in you (and caught the pun), visit this eclectic collection of artifacts covering landmarks in computer development including binary circuits, vacuum tubes, a chunk of ENIAC, an original Apple I signed by 'the Woz' himself, and a navigation computer from a...
Museum of the Rockies
Bozeman & Gallatin Valley
The most entertaining museum in Montana should not be missed. It has stellar displays on the geological history of the Rockies, and dinosaur exhibits including an Edmontosaurus jaw with its incredible battery of teeth, the largest T. rex skull in the world, and a full T. rex (with only a...