Casa de la Vall
Casa de la Vall-March 2024
Mar 25, 2025

  Constructed in 1580 as a home for a wealthy family, this graceful stone mansion served as Andorra's parliament building from 1702 until as recently as 2011. The Sala del Consell, upstairs, must have been one of the world's cosiest parliament chambers; it's now used only very occasionally. Its Armari de les Set Claus (Cupboard of the Seven Keys) once held Andorra's most important official documents, and could only be opened if a key-bearing representative from each of the seven parishes was present.

  Downstairs is the Tribunal de Corts, the country's one and only courtroom. Thirty-minute guided tours in Catalan, Spanish or English run every half-hour, providing a fascinating insight into the history of this small nation.

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