South America
Buenos Aires
Cementerio de la Recoleta
Cementerio de la Recoleta-March 2024
Mar 15, 2025

  This cemetery is perhaps BA's top attraction. You can wander for hours in this incredible city of the dead, where the ‘streets’ are lined with impressive statues and marble mausoleums. Peek into the crypts and check out the dusty coffins and try to decipher the history of its inhabitants. Past presidents, military heroes, influential politicians and the just plain rich and famous have made it past the gates here.

  Pick up a map at the entrance. Though you can explore the cemetery on your own, it's really worthwhile to take a tour with a knowledgeable guide. Many local tour guides offer the service (including several you can hire near the entrance) – there are also free guided tours in English at 11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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