North America
Colorado State Capitol
Colorado State Capitol-October 2024
Oct 7, 2024

  Sitting commandingly atop Capitol Hill, this stately neoclassical government building houses the Governor's Office, Senate and House of Representatives. Constructed using mostly Coloradan materials, the ornate interior befits the grand old building. Visitors can join free 45-minute tours – including 15 minutes in the dome – which depart hourly. A small museum on the 3rd floor gives a good historical overview of the building, including videos, placards and memorabilia.

  Construction of the Capitol began in the 1890s from locally quarried rose onyx (Beulah red marble) and in 1908, to celebrate the Colorado gold rush, the superb dome was covered in 200oz of gold leaf. Down below facing Civic Center Park, a popular photo op is the grand outer staircase, where the 13th step sits exactly 1 mile above sea level. (Previous attempts at marking the spot – in 1909 and 1969 – landed at the 15th and 18th steps.)

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