Giardino Giusti
Giardino Giusti-March 2024
Mar 17, 2025

  Across the river from the historic centre, these sculpted gardens are considered a masterpiece of Renaissance landscaping, and are named after the noble family that has tended them since opening the gardens to the public in 1591. The vegetation is an Italianate mix of the manicured and natural, graced by soaring cypresses, one of which the German poet Goethe immortalised in his travel writings.

  According to local legend, lovers who manage to find each other in the gardens' petite labyrinth are destined to stay together. If you do, whisper sweet nothings while gazing out at the city from the belvedere (lookout), accessed from the back of the gardens. Forget the Casa di Giulietta, this is where the real romance is in Verona.

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