The Caribbean
Hampden Estate
Hampden Estate-January 2024
Jan 22, 2025

  A lane lined with palm trees leads you to the landscaped grounds of Hampden Great House estate, dotted with strutting peacocks. Tours assemble beneath a remarkable century-old ficus tree, with visitors learning about the centuries-old estate, before visiting the fully functioning factory and fermentation house, awaft with sweet molasses fumes. It's less polished than the island's most famous rum tour but more interesting and authentic. Lunch included. Book ahead.

  Take the B15 south of Falmouth towards Wakefield and follow the signs.

  Hampden Great House is a private residence and not open to the public, but it's a beautiful piece of 18th century architecture. The manager of the rum factory can organize a private tour on demand for genuine rum connoisseurs with a particular interest in the ins and outs of production (US$100 per person).

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