North America
Hanalei Plantation Road Lookout
Hanalei Plantation Road Lookout-March 2024
Mar 3, 2025

  This spectacular overlook commands views over not only the Hanalei River and its valley, but also the bay and its beaches. To reach it, simply follow Hanalei Plantation Road, which starts a quarter-mile west of the Princeville Center, to the clearing where it ends, just under a mile along. This spot also holds the Nourish farm stand.

  A trail leads straight ahead, through the site of the former Hanalei Plantation Resort and down to Pu‘u Poa Beach. The resort itself, which became a Club Med before closing in the mid-1980s, was linked to the beach by a tramway. It’s a haunting spot, where the lawns are still mown regularly but the buildings have been reduced to moss-covered mounds of rubble. There are persistent reports that the site will be redeveloped to hold a luxury hotel in the near future.

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