Middle East
International Birding & Research Center in Eilat
International Birding & Research Center in Eilat-March 2024
Mar 19, 2025

  Hundreds of millions of migrating birds pass through Eilat twice a year as they fly between Europe and Africa. The best place to spot them is this lakeside centre, situated 6km northeast of town; from the Yitzhak Rabin–Wadi Araba Border Crossing, go south for 400m (follow the signs). The staff are friendly and very knowledgeable.

  The main months of migration are March to May and September to November. The best times of day to spot birds are the first four hours after daybreak and the last three hours of sunlight. During office hours, the IBRCE serves as a free information centre for birdwatchers, answering questions such as, 'Where can I find a little green bee eater?'.

  Email or call ahead for details on 1½-hour guided tours (35NIS if you join an already scheduled group). A ringing (banding) station operates during the first four hours of daylight from 15 February to 15 May and from 15 August to 31 November – visitors are welcome to stop by to see how birds are tagged and released for research purposes.

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