North America
Isaac Hale Beach Park
Isaac Hale Beach Park-September 2024
Sep 22, 2024

  This rocky beach park was the local surf spot serving all of the greater Puna area, but where once flowed ocean peppered with local talent battling over one of the island's top breaks now sits a dramatic black-sand beach courtesy of the 2018 lower Puna eruption. While waters are generally too rough for swimming (on-duty lifeguards report that 60% of their victims were previously warned not to swim), it's a picturesque spot – a beautiful tragedy, if you will.

  While the ocean is a no-go, you can take a dip in what's left of the natural pool around the now landlocked boat ramp to the right of the parking lot and a well-worn path heading west beyond the ramp leads to a small, somewhat scummy, natural hot pond.

  Camping is no longer permitted here and there are no facilities beyond a few portable toilets. Turn makai (seaward) around Mile 11.5 off Hwy 137.

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