The Caribbean
Landhuis Bloemhof
Landhuis Bloemhof-March 2024
Mar 18, 2025

  As visitors wander the leafy grounds of this 1735 plantation home they encounter a range of things. An old car covered in mosaic tiles depicting sea creatures. Plants growing out of discarded toilets. A towering cathedral constructed of thorns. Essentially, this is the epicenter of the avant-garde in Curaçao, and for a small fee someone will guide you through the wonders, many of which tell important stories of the island and its history.

  Exhibits rotate, with something new from a local, regional or international artist every five weeks. The plantation home is filled with antique furnishings and art, including stone works by renowned resident sculptor Hortence Brouwn. Exhibitions, lectures and creative workshops are frequently on offer, and the lovely restaurant Number Ten is here, too. Reservations suggested.

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