Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
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Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Las Palmas has a mainland-Spain feel, spiced up with an eclectic mix of other cultures, including African, Chinese and Indian, plus the presence of container-ship crews, and the flotsam and jetsam that tend to drift around port cities. It’s an intriguing place, with the sunny languor and energy you would normally associate with the Mediterranean or North Africa. The hooting taxis, bustling shopping districts, chatty bars and thriving port all give off the energy of this city, which is Spain’s ninth-largest.
Experience the real
  Dating from 1844, this ornate historical building is a national monument. It was the island’s first theatre and retains an old-world display of faded elegance, with a gracious internal patio – topped with a splendid atrium – and rooms lined with bookcases. The place now functions as a private club,...
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