North America
Museo Arqueológico de Campeche & Fuerte de San Miguel
Museo Arqueológico de Campeche & Fuerte de San Miguel-February 2024
Feb 23, 2025

  Campeche’s largest colonial fort, facing the Gulf of Mexico some 4km southwest of the city center, is now home to the most important of Maya museums, the excellent Museo Arqueológico de Campeche, the city's one must-see museum. Here you can admire emblematic pieces from the sites of Calakmul and Edzná, and from Isla de Jaina, an island north of town once used as a burial site for Maya aristocracy. Much of the info is in English.

  Stunning jade jewelry and exquisite vases, masks and plates are thematically arranged in different exhibit halls. The star attractions are the jade burial masks from Calakmul. Also displayed are stelae, seashell necklaces and clay figurines. You can even (using an interactive exhibit) view how you yourself might have looked as a Maya warrior.

  Equipped with a dry moat and working drawbridge, the fort itself is a thing of beauty. The roof deck, ringed by 20 cannons, affords wonderful harbor views.

  To get here take a bus or combi (minibus; marked ‘Lerma’) from the market. Ask the driver to let you off at the access road (just say 'Fuerte de San Miguel'), then hike 300m up the hill. Taxis cost around M$70.

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