eSwatini (Swaziland)
Nisela Safaris
Nisela Safaris-January 2024
Jan 22, 2025

  Nisela is a small private reserve nestled at the foot of the Lebombo Mountains south of Nsoko. Wildebeest, giraffes, zebras, warthogs and numerous species of antelope are widespread throughout the reserve, but there's no big stuff. It's also famed for its abundant birdlife, especially raptors. Day visitors are also welcome to take part in the activities, including wildlife drives (E150 to E180) and guided walks (E150). If you want to explore the reserve with your own vehicle, a 4WD is recommended.

  The reserve has ample choice of accommodation options, including a campsite (camping E110), fully-equipped rondavels (s/d including breakfast E540/880) in a shady area deep inside the reserve and simple village-style beehive huts (s/d E140/280) behind reception. The guesthouse (s/d E430/780) is a few kilometres away on the main road. There's also a traditional restaurant with a wooden deck overlooking a water hole.

  It's an ideal stopover point en route to Kruger National Park or Mozambique.

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