North America
South of Mexico City
Pirámide de Tepozteco
Pirámide de Tepozteco-January 2024
Jan 22, 2025

  Tepoztlán's main sight is this 10m-high pyramid perched atop a sheer cliff at the end of a very steep paved path that begins at the end of Avenida del Tepozteco. Built in honor of Tepoztécatl, the Aztec god of harvest, fertility and pulque, the pyramid is more impressive for its location than actual size. At the top, depending on haze levels, the serenity and the panorama of the valley make the hike worthwhile.

  Spotting the plentiful coati (raccoon-like animal) here is also a bonus for some, though they can be aggressive in pawing at you for food; trousers are recommended if this might bother you.

  Tepotzteco is some 400m above the town. Be warned that the path is tough, so head off early to beat the heat and wear decent shoes. The 2.5km walk is not recommended to anyone not physically fit. A store at the peak sells refreshments, but you should bring water with you anyway. Video-camera use costs M$47. The hike itself is free, but to get close to the pyramid (and the view) you must pay the admission fee.

  To get here walk north along the main road Avenida del Tepozteco, which is on the west side of the zócalo. After seven long blocks, the road becomes a steep, tree-covered path, marking the entrance to the path.

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