Reichsparteitagsgelände-October 2024
Oct 9, 2024

  If you’ve ever wondered where the infamous B&W images of ecstatic Nazi supporters hailing their Führer were taken, it was here in Nuremberg. Much of the grounds were destroyed during Allied bombing raids, but enough remain to get a sense of the megalomania behind it, especially after visiting the excellent Dokumentationszentrum (Documentation Centre). It's served by tram 8 from the Hauptbahnhof.

  In the north wing of the partly finished Kongresshalle (Congress Hall), the Documentation Centre examines various historical aspects, including the rise of the NSDAP, the Hitler cult, the party rallies and the Nuremberg Trials.

  East of here is the Zeppelinfeld, where most of the big Nazi parades, rallies and events took place. It is fronted by a 350m-long grandstand, the Zeppelintribüne, where you can still stand on the very balcony from where Hitler incited the masses. It now hosts sporting events and rock concerts, though this rehabilitation has caused controversy.

  The grounds are bisected by the 2km-long and 40m-wide Grosse Strasse (Great Road), which was planned as a military parade road. Zeppelinfeld, Kongresshalle and Grosse Strasse are all protected landmarks for being significant examples of Nazi architecture.

  The Reichsparteitagsgelände is about 4km southeast of the city centre.

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