Reserva Natural das Dunas de São Jacinto
Reserva Natural das Dunas de São Jacinto-March 2024
Mar 1, 2025

  This gloriously tranquil nature reserve extends north from São Jacinto, between the sea and the placid lagoon west of Aveiro. A network of trails runs through the pine woods and dunes, including an 8km (three-hour) loop, while various hides offer the chance for birdwatching – the best period for this is November to February. Access to the reserve is free but you should register at the interpretative centre 1.5km north of the ferry on the N327 road.

  To get to the reserve from Aveiro, take a bus to Forte da Barra (return €5.05) and then the ferry to São Jacinto (return passenger/car €3.30/9.30). Check schedules at www.aveirobus.pt. By car, you can avoid the ferry by circumnavigating the lagoon and approaching from the north, but it’s a much longer journey.

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