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Built astride a huge gash in the mountains carved out by the Río Guadalevín, Ronda is a brawny town with a dramatic history littered with outlaws, bandits, guerrilla warriors and rebels. Its spectacular location atop El Tajo gorge and its status as the largest of Andalucía’s white towns have made it hugely popular with tourists – particularly notable when you consider its relatively modest size. Modern bullfighting was practically invented here in the late 18th century, and the town’s fame was spread further by its close association with American Europhiles Ernest Hemingway (a lover of bullfighting) and Orson Welles (whose ashes are buried in the town).
Experience the real
  This somewhat faded city museum displays artefacts and information spanning several millennia of Andalucian history. Of even more interest to some will be the palatial setting. Built for Abomelic, ruler of Ronda in 1314, the palace has retained its colonnaded internal Mudéjar courtyard, from where a horseshoe arch leads to...
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