Story House of Naval Base Zuoying
Story House of Naval Base Zuoying-March 2024
Mar 17, 2025

  In a compound next to Taiwan's largest naval base, this small museum pays tribute to Zuoying's strong military heritage. By means of relics, photos, warship models and replicas of old living quarters, a narrative is presented of the development of the navy and the navy veterans' village, from the 17th century through Japanese rule and the American presence to more recent times. The museum is staffed by smartly dressed students from the naval academy nearby.

  The compound where the museum is located is called Sihai Yijia (四海一家, sìhǎi yījiā), literally 'Four Seas One Family', that also includes a guesthouse and a restaurant. It was built in 1950 as an entertainment venue for KMT naval officers and their families who had fled to Taiwan from China. The site now occupied by the museum used to be a library.

  The guesthouse is a little old but offers some of the cheapest double rooms (under NT$2000) in Kaohsiung, though (ostensibly at least) only those with connections to the Taiwanese navy can stay there.

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