Swakopmund Museum
Swakopmund Museum-January 2024
Jan 22, 2025

  When ill winds blow, head for this museum at the foot of the lighthouse, where you can hole up and learn about the town's history. The museum occupies the site of the old harbour warehouse, which was destroyed in 1914 by a ‘lucky’ shot from a British warship. Displays include exhibits on Namibia’s history and ethnology, including information on local flora and fauna. Especially good is the display on the !nara melon, a fruit which was vital to the early Khoekhoen people of the Namib region.

  It also harbours a reconstructed colonial home interior, Emil Kiewittand’s apothecary shop and an informative display on the Rössing Mine. Military buffs will appreciate the stifling uniforms of the Camel Corps and the Shell furniture, so called because it was homemade from 1930s depression-era petrol and paraffin tins.

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