Yangykala Canyon
Yangykala Canyon-March 2024
Mar 25, 2025

  With bands of pink, red and yellow rock searing across the sides of steep canyon walls, Yangykala is a breathtaking sight and one of the most spectacular natural attractions in Turkmenistan. Just as alluring as the beautiful views is its solitary isolation in the desert; few Turkmen are aware of its existence. ᠎It’s possible to camp on the plateau above the canyon, although it can get windy there.

  Canyons and cliffs slash for 25km towards the Garabogazköl basin and lie approximately 165km north of Balkanabat and about 160km east of Turkmenbashi, making it easy to slot in a trip to the canyon between the two cities. While most tour companies run trips to Yangykala Canyon, not all include it on their standard itineraries, so make enquiries when planning your trip.

  From the turn-off to Gozli Ata (marked with a 9km sign), another road continues north to the canyon.

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