Delta’s Bags on Time guarantee is a customer-friendly effort to get bags from the plane to baggage claim within 20 minutes of your arrival for any domestic flight. While some airlines may leave you waiting a while in the arrivals area, Delta’s efforts are guaranteed to have you on your way quickly or with some bonus miles in your account if you have to wait. It’s a free perk for SkyMiles members, but there are a few details to understand if you want to take advantage of it.
Delta guarantees that your checked bag will arrive at the carousel within 20 minutes of the boarding door being opened or you’re eligible for 2,500 bonus miles. Delta’s baggage tracking systems begin the count from the second the door opens until they are scanned onto the carousel. It helps to keep an eye on your watch because if you suspect that your bag took more than 20 minutes, you can complete an online form to request the bonus miles. will automatically approve your claim if the computer (not your stopwatch) shows that it took more than 20 minutes for your bag to arrive with the miles posting to your SkyMiles account shortly afterward. Delta says it can take up to two weeks for the miles to appear, but many travelers report that they post right away.