These days, most are aware that you have to be super vigilant when entering your personal info on the web, especially when doing so on a public computer. But a nice little wakeup call never hurts, and this time it comes in the form of a warning from none other than the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security. Got your attention? Late last week, the duo sent out a non-public advisory to numerous departments within, and members of, the hospitality industry in response to a recent slew of arrests after hackers were able to steal information from business center computers at several major hotels in Dallas. Hackers were able to access hotel guests’ personal and financial information, such as bank, retirement, and personal webmail accounts, with keystroke-logging malware. Notified hotels are now addressing the issue, but it’s good to keep in mind that you should really only use public computers — while at hotels and elsewhere — for surfing the web. Just a helpful travel tip to keep you, and your personal information, safe! []